John Burton - a legendary Austin Texas Blues, R&B, Funk and Jazz musician playing Horn Trumpet with Diamond Simon and the Roughcuts.

John Burton's Unofficial Ex-Roughcuts Page U.S. Marines Logo

John Burton - the artist formerly known as Johnny 'Hot Lips' Burton - is a legendary Austin Texas Blues, R&B, Funk and Jazz Trumpeter, now very rarely playing with Diamond Simon and the Roughcuts, but still on the Austin music scene and playing with Radical289 as well as other bands.
John Burton legendary Austin Texas Blues, Jazz, Funk and R&B Musician formerly playing with Diamond Simon and the Roughcuts. John joined 'Diamond' Simon and the Roughcuts in February 1996 as soloist, section player, singer and arranger, and continues to delight audiences and fellow Roughcuts alike. The band quickly dubbed him 'Hotlips' because of his stratospheric range and searing improvisational technique.

A native Austinite, John 'Johnny Hotlips' Burton started playing trumpet at age 11. Even at that early age, he displayed a talent that carried him and the bands he played with to new heights of success.

Declining music scholarship offers from several prestigious universities, John's sense of patriotism led him to join the United States Marine Corps in order to further his musical education and experience. After graduating second in his class from the Navy School of Music in Norfolk, Virginia, John performed for three years with the Marine Band in San Diego, California prior to joining the Roughcuts.