Mick's 'ex-Roughcuts' unofficial page  
Update: As of 2005 Mick is playing Chapman Stick with Thirteen of Everything

Mick's bass held down the Roughcuts rhythm section, adding a variety of musical influences. His intelligent playing, versatility, and steady nature contributed greatly to the band's musical range as well as to it's stability.

Mick was with 'Diamond' Simon and the Roughcuts from the spring of '96 to late 1999, replacing Dave Liebson who left to join 'Los Downbeats'. Mick' playing improved along with the band, developing a finer feel and technical proficiency.

Basses: Yamaha Fretless, Ibanez 5 String

Amp: Hartke 2000 with Fender 1x15" & Fender 2x10".

"I've been playing bass on and off since I was 13. That’s a long time for so few strings!

I'm a Brit, (not Australian as some people think), born in Birmingham, England, and grew up with all the excesses of late '70s 'progressive' rock music, which I still listen to most.

Check out my current favorite bass player Tony Levin at his http://www.papabear.com/ site. He is the inventor of the wonderful 'Funk Fingers' … the best $15 dollars I ever spent.

In my spare time I work (booo), play with my new daughter, and record excessively in my home studio."

Mick's Home Studio
