Roughcuts Artwork and Fliers

Diamond Simon and The Roughcuts are proud of their fliers and artwork. Although getting fliers out is a battle, working with talented artists to make art happen is a great pleasure. 

The following contributors artists have contributed - and deserve credit for - artwork used by Diamond Simon and the Roughcuts:

Placid Production Studios - the Placid Production studio design team who take artwork delivered from the sources below and convert to into useable hard copy or softcopy posters, fliers, graphics and promotional materials. 

Dewey Lyon - the best flier art in South Austin today, especially for Dewey's own band who can be seen at Sam's Town Point in South Austin every Tues. 

Philip Ang - - hand drawn original sketches by up and coming artist Philip Ang.

Deborah Peacock - - professional photographer who worked so hard to get good photo shots of the band over the course of 2 sessions (2005 and 2006).

Kathy Stritzinger - - who took some super cool shots and video. 

Jeremy Parker - - who took some super cool shots and video. 

Sample art with credit where due.

Philip Ang Philip Ang artist extrodinaire
Kristene Newcomb: 
Jeremy Parker @ using a photo by Debbie Peacock.





2007 fliers by the design team at Placid Productions, based on Google maps! At the time the Locker Room was a brand new club, and every person invited asked where it was, so the team bit the artistic bullet and opted for a more practical approach of mapping it! 

Although the posters looked a little silly at the club (like duh!), the handouts were effective.

Sample handouts before being cut to size.





Classic 2007 flier by Dewey Lyon, based on photography by Debbie and some mighty fine creative thinking along the way. Note the face and the guitar on the King of Diamonds poking out from under the hat ... fine detail!





Another classic flier 2007 by Dewey Lyon, also based on photography by Debbie and featuring the judicious use of red. Once again note the fine detail in the semi-hidden lettering of the word "Blues" just to the right of Simon's face, adding a sparkle to the printed page which is clearly visible on a glossy 11" by 17" full size poster !





 2007 flier by the design team at Placid Productions, based on photography by Kathy!

This flier was also adapted for use as an animated cursor on MySpace, winning widespread complements and a series of "how to" questions from close associates.

How original is this really ... dunno? Does it work ... dunno ... but just exactly how do people find about your shows if nobody tells them? Not original enough for you ... your welcome to do the next one ... we will use it! Anyway, here is another example just for for good measure!





Standard promo shot by Debbie from 2006 showing at the time band Robert 'Quarter Moon' Ortiz and John Christian, with standin appearances by Steve Manning and Bob Cenno. It remains unclear why Morgan was not at this photo shoot.

Other shots from the same session show up in various other member pages of this site, on MySpace, and in the various fliers, handouts and cover art that forms the usual band promotional materials.
Prior promo shot by Debbie Peacock from 2005 showing at the time band Morgan, Dave and Theo Alexander.

Other shots from the same session also show up in repeatedly in various other member pages of this site, on MySpace, and in the various fliers, handouts and cover art that forms the usual band promotional materials.